Monday, January 18, 2010

Letter Of Employment Mortgage Hardship Letter For Mortgage Company..what Do You Think?

Hardship letter for mortgage company..what do you think? - letter of employment mortgage

I am writing this on our series of unfortunate circumstances to explain that we have a delay on our mortgage. In September 2008 I lost my job and could not find a job until October, we want to reverse. We must do everything to make up done, but unfortunately fell short, and would you consider working with us to modify the loans. Our ultimate goal is to keep our house and appreciate the opportunity.


Landlord said...

It might be easier to apply one month in the last round of the mortgage. Since you have a problem long term, you pay 50% for 1 month, one would easily agree on. Maybe not a complete overhaul, because it is to kill and not the execution.

patrick said...

DO NOT use the term 'modify our loan, which is like a vampire garlic when it comes to the mortgage banks.
What can we say about the NED:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Our Account # ___ mortgage is in arrears for $____.
I write to the situation that caused this and tries to explain to define a plan to reduce current mortgage situation.
On 08 September it was eliminating my job. Emplyment could be within 60 days, but this period of employment, the current account deficit.
Please someone at_________ contact us to discuss the options we have to remedy this situation.

Recently... said...

When we develop a plan, because we need several months to recover, I know that our mortgage companies do not care what the circumstances, they just wanted a glimpse of how we wanted to catch up - we had to go.

Finally, we have to ask for 3 months without additional payment and tack for the next 9 months. She finally left us.

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