Monday, February 15, 2010

Red Skin Blemishes How To Diminish Red Skin Blemishes?

How to diminish red skin blemishes? - red skin blemishes

There is an acne problem, but I these red spots on my skin from time to time, however, remain for a long time to rot. Are there any home remedies or things that you buy at the store to reduce the redness and get rid of it all?


LordDATA said...

Sunny West Hi,

No matter the skin color stains or defects. I've listed some resources, which was very successful with my wife and friends.

Heat honey, 1) and a little on the face, tap your face gently with your fingers. Honey Wash with warm water, then rinse with cold water. A bit of wheat germ can be added to the honey before applying.

Patches of skin 2) A mixture of 1 part vinegar, apple juice, and 8 parts water. Store in a decorative bottle in the bathroom. Rinse face 1-2 times a day with the solution.

3) Apply odorless castor oil or vitamin E in the night.

4) Apply lemon juice as a bleach in places

Freckles 5) An old folk medicine: Dissolve some of Suger in the juice of a lemon. I applyxture every freckles with a brush of camel!

6) Honey is an important tool for skin spots and acne because the honey kills bacteria

You can not acne, but at this site covers all skin diseases.

angeleye... said...

Aloe vera or makeup. DAB aloe vera on the skin and drink too much.

AlaskanC... said...

You should probably have a documentary about rosacea. I think they fixed Retin-A, not an ointment.

pinky_da... said...

I think it is better to see a doctor after trying to have some fun too. You never know what could be worse. All the best. =)

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